Your Website has Two Faces

Like the Roman god Janus (and many a politician), every web application has two faces: Its human face interacts with people, while its machine face interacts with computer systems, often as a result of those human interactions. Showing too much of either face to the wrong audience creates opportunity for error.

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When a user interface—intended for human consumption—reflects too much of a system’s internals in its design and language, it’s likely to confuse the people who use it. But at the same time, if data doesn’t conform to a specific structure, it’s likely to confuse the machines that need to use it—so we can’t ignore system requirements, either.

People and machines parse information in fundamentally different ways. We need to find a way to balance the needs of both.

Enter the Robustness Principle#section2

In 1980, computer scientist Jon Postel published an early specification for the Transmission Control Protocol, which remains the fundamental communication mechanism of the internet. In this spec, he gave us the Robustness Principle:

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.

Although often applied to low-level technical protocols like TCP, this golden rule of computing has broad application in the field of user experience as well.

To create a positive experience, we need to give applications a human face that’s liberal: empathetic, flexible, and tolerant of any number of actions the user might take. But for a system to be truly robust, its machine face must also take great care with the data it handles— treating user input as malicious by default, and validating the format of everything it sends to downstream systems.

Building a system that embraces these radically different sets of constraints is not easy. At a high level, we might say that a robust web application is one that:

  1. Accepts input from users in a variety of forms, based first on the needs and preferences of humans rather than machines.
  2. Accepts responsibility for translating that human input to meet the requirements of computer systems.
  3. Defines boundaries for what input is reasonable in a given context.
  4. Provides clear feedback to the user, especially when the translated input exceeds the defined boundaries.

Whether it’s a simple form or a sophisticated application, anytime we ask users for input, their expectations are almost certainly different from the computer’s in some way. Our brains are not made of silicon. But thinking in terms of the Robustness Principle can help us bridge the gap between human and machine in a wide range of circumstances.


Humans understand the terms “one,” “1,” and “1.00” to be roughly equivalent. They are very different to a computer, however. In most programming languages, each is a different type of data with unique characteristics. Trying to perform math on the wrong kind of data could lead to unexpected results. So if a web application needs the user to enter a number, its developers want to be sure that input meets the computer’s definition. Our users don’t care about such subtleties, but they can easily bubble up into our user interfaces.

When you buy something over the phone, the person taking your order never has to say, “Please give me your credit card number using only digits, with no spaces or dashes.” She is not confused if you pause while speaking or include a few “umms.” She knows a number when she hears one. But such prompts commonly litter web forms, instructing users to cater to the computer’s needs. Wouldn’t it be nice if the computer could cater to the person’s needs instead?

It often can, if we put the Robustness Principle to work to help our application take a variety of user input and turn it into something that meets the needs of a machine.

For example, we could do this right at the interface level by modifying fields to pre-process the user’s input, providing immediate feedback to the user about what’s happening. Consider an input field that’s looking for a currency value:

Form input requesting a currency value

HTML 5 introduces some new attributes for the input element, including a type of number and a pattern attribute, intended to give developers a way to define the expected format of information. Unfortunately, browser support for these attributes remains limited and inconsistent. But a bit of JavaScript can do the same work. For example:

<input onkeyup="value=value.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,'')" />
<input onblur="if(value.match(/[^0-9\.]/)) raise_alert(this)" />

The first input simply blocks any characters that are not digits or decimal points from being entered by the user. The second triggers a notification instead.

We can make these simple examples far more sophisticated, but such techniques still place the computer’s rules in the user’s way. An alternative might be to silently accept anything the user chooses to provide, and then use the same regular expressions1 to process it on the server into a decimal value. Following guideline number three, the application would perform a sanity check on the result and report an error if a user entered something incomprehensible or out of the expected range.

Our application’s liberal human face will assume that these events are the exception: If we’ve designed and labeled our interfaces well, most people will provide reasonable input most of the time. Although precisely what people enter (“$10.00” or “10”) may vary, the computer can easily process the majority of those entries to derive the decimal value it needs, whether inline or server-side. But its cautious, machine-oriented face will check that assumption before it takes any action. If the transaction is important, like when a user enters the amount of a donation, the system will need to provide clear feedback and ask for confirmation before proceeding, even if the value falls within the boundaries of normalcy. Otherwise, aggressive reduction of text to a number could result in an unexpected—and potentially very problematic—result for our user:

Overly aggressive reduction of text input to a number leads to unexpected results


To a computer, dates and times are just a special case of numbers. In UNIX-based systems, for example, time is often represented as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970.

For a person, however, context is key to interpreting dates. When Alice asks, “Can we meet on Thursday?” Bob can safely assume that she means the next Thursday on the calendar, and he certainly doesn’t have to ask if she means Thursday of last week. Interface designers should attempt to get as close to this human experience as possible by considering the context in which a date is required.

We can do that by revisiting some typical methods of requesting a date from users:

  • A text input, often with specific formatting requirements (MM/DD/YYYY, for example)
  • A miniature calendar widget, arranging dates in a month-by-month grid

These patterns are not mutually exclusive, and a robust application might offer either or both, depending on the context.

There are cases where the calendar widget may be very helpful, such as identifying a future date that’s not known (choosing the second Tuesday of next February). But much of the time, a text input probably offers the fastest path to entering a known date, especially if it’s in the near future. If Bob wants to make a note about Thursday’s meeting, it seems more efficient for him to type the word “Thursday” or even the abbreviation “Thu” than to invoke a calendar and guide his mouse (or worse, his fingertip on a touchscreen) to the appropriate tiny box.

But when we impose overly restrictive formatting requirements on the text, we undermine that advantage—if Bob has to figure out the correct numeric date, and type it in a very specific way, he might well need the calendar after all. Or if an application requests Alice’s birthdate in MM/DD/YYYY format, why should it trigger an error if she types 1/1/1970, omitting the leading zeroes? In her mind, it’s an easily comprehensible date.

An application embracing the Robustness Principle would accept anything from the user that resembles a date, again providing feedback to confirm her entry, but only reporting it as a problem if the interpretation fails or falls out of bounds. A number of software libraries exist to help computers translate human descriptions of dates like “tomorrow,” “next Friday,” or “11 April” into their structured, machine-oriented equivalents. Although many are quite sophisticated, they do have limitations—so when using them, it’s also helpful to provide users with examples of the most reliable patterns, even though the system can accept other forms of input.


Perhaps more often than any other type of input, address fields tend to be based on database design rather than the convenience of human users. Consider this common layout:

Typical set of inputs for capturing an address

This set of fields may cover the majority of cases for U.S. addresses, but it doesn’t begin to scratch the surface for international users. And even in the U.S., there are legitimate addresses it won’t accommodate well.

An application that wants to accept human input liberally might take the daring approach of using a single textarea to capture the address, allowing the user to structure it just as he or she would when composing a letter. And if the address will only ever be used in its entirety, storing it as a single block of text may be all that’s required. It’s worth asking what level of detail is truly needed to make use of the data.

Often we have a clear business need to store the information in discrete fields, however. There are many web-based and local services that can take a variety of address formats and standardize them, whether they were collected through a single input or a minimal set of structured elements.

Consider the following address:

Avenue Appia 20
1211 Genève 27

The Google Geocoding API, for example, might translate it to something like the following, with a high level of granularity for mapping applications:

"address_components" : [
     "long_name" : "20",
     "short_name" : "20",
     "types" : [ "street_number" ]
     "long_name" : "Avenue Appia",
     "short_name" : "Avenue Appia",
     "types" : [ "route" ]
     "long_name" : "Geneva",
     "short_name" : "Geneva",
     "types" : [ "locality", "political" ]
     "long_name" : "Genève",
     "short_name" : "Genève",
     "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_2", "political" ]
     "long_name" : "Geneva",
     "short_name" : "GE",
     "types" : [ "administrative_area_level_1", "political" ]
     "long_name" : "Switzerland",
     "short_name" : "CH",
     "types" : [ "country", "political" ]
     "long_name" : "1202",
     "short_name" : "1202",
     "types" : [ "postal_code" ]

The details (and license terms) of such standardization systems will vary and may not be appropriate for all applications. Complex addresses may be a problem, and we’ll need to give the application an alternate way to handle them. It will be more work. But to achieve the best user experience, it should be the application’s responsibility to first try to make sense of reasonable input. Users aren’t likely to care whether a CRM database wants to hold their suite number separately from the street name.

The exception or the rule#section6

Parsing human language into structured data won’t always work. Under guideline number four, a robust system will detect and handle edge cases gracefully and respectfully, while working to minimize their occurrence. This long tail of user experience shouldn’t wag the proverbial dog. In other words, if we can create an interface that works flawlessly in 95 percent of cases, reducing the time to complete tasks and showing a level of empathy that surpasses user expectations, it’s probably worth the effort it takes to build an extra feedback loop to handle the remaining five percent.

Think again about the process of placing an order over the phone, speaking to a human being. If she doesn’t understand something you say, she may ask you to clarify. Even when she does understand, she may read the the details back to you to confirm. Those interactions are normal and usually courteous. In fact, they reassure us all that the end result of the interaction will be what we expect.

She is not, however, likely to provide you with a set of rigid instructions as soon as she answers the phone, and then berate you for failing to meet some of them. And yet web applications create the equivalent interaction all the time (sometimes skipping past the instructions and going directly to the berating).

For most developers, system integrity is an understandably high priority. Better structure in user-supplied data means that we can handle it more reliably. We want reliable systems, so we become advocates for the machine’s needs. When input fails to pass validation, we tend to view it as a failure of the user—an error, an attempt to feed bad data into our carefully designed application.

But whether or not our job titles include the phrase “user experience,” we must advocate at least as much for the people who use our software as we do for computer systems. Whatever the problem a web application is solving, ultimately it was created to benefit a human being. Everyone who has a hand in building an application influences the experience, so improving it is everyone’s job. Thinking in terms of robustness can help us balance the needs of both people and computers.

Postel’s Law has proven its worth by running the internet for more than three decades. May we all hold our software—and the experiences it creates—to such a high standard.


  • 1. A lot of text processing relies on regular expressions to match patterns. This technology has a long history in computer science, but it’s often found even in less technical applications. Regular expressions can appear intimidating at first because they often involve a lot of shorthand notation. But it’s worth learning how they work, because they can be invaluable to anyone who works with text, whether a programmer or a writer. Tutorials, references, and testing tools abound online.

10 Reader Comments

  1. Great article!

    I was actually working with a dev on a very similar UX problem with a form that captures varying membership numbers. Some combinations would have special characters, other’s would have spaces and/or dashes. The membership number had to be an exact match in order to validate with our system so the crux was how to make the form smart enough to anticipate a user entering in the correct membership number but not necessarily in the correct format.

    This article validated our conclusion last week of using a type-ahead suggestion list that would pre-populate with correct combinations for a user to reference as they typed. This took a bit more heavy lifting on the dev’s part but definitely worth the effort for a more accommodating and flexible UX.

  2. Calle, that can definitely be an issue for many locales, particularly for January through July, when month and day numbers can be ambiguous. Most of the natural-language parsers have some capability for resolving the ambiguity. See the :endian_precedence option in Chronic, for example.

  3. I like your idea of robust UX, but I think Postal’s law turned out to be a pretty bad idea when it comes to standards. It resulted in billions of devices that are “mostly” compatible with each other. Minor incompatibilities can become major problems.

  4. I like your concept of solid UX, but I think Postal’s law became a fairly bad concept when it comes to requirements. It led to immeasureable gadgets that are “mostly” suitable with each other. Minimal incompatibilities can become significant issues.

  5. Great posting Lyle – it’s good to highlight user and machine expectations and robustness issues in relation to interactive information gathering. Online forms are a big improvement on paper forms – but only of course when designers and programmers take the opportunity (or make a business case) to maximize the robustness potential you cite. Your ‘numbers’, ‘dates’, and ‘addresses’ are good examples, and to this I would add for example, titles (Mr, Mrs, Dr etc.), name formats (first name, surname, etc.), product names and policy number formats, web, email and social media addresses, and of course bank account details.

    Readers may or may not be aware that PDF forms can also handle content validation and field limitation. And, along with online, mobile and other form software applications, perhaps their most useful feature is the ability to tailor questions according to the answers that are being given – so called progressive revealing, or disclosure. A major advantage over the online methods is that all this can all be carried out offline. When carried out well, this is flexibility and tolerance at its best. For more on this sort of stuff my blog is at

    Your posting reminded me of a story that very recently appeared ran in the Saturday edition of The Guardian, an English newspaper, about a person who accidentally keyed one wrong digit in their 8-character account number when transferring a very large amount of money over a long period of time. It was over a year before the customer realized the error (!) – and even though the customer account name and number obviously didn’t match, the building society is refusing to pay the customer back – as is the ‘lucky’ recipient. It’s a classic case of lacking human face and tolerance.
    For the full story see: The £26,000 banking error –

  6. @Calle Larsson Website quote: “In Sweden the date input format for a birthdate is DD/MM/YYYY, not MM/DD/YYYY, which can be a challenge when interpreting dates.”
    Actually, Many other countries also use the date input format for birthday is DD/MM/YYYY. I think we can change it easily.

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A List Apart founder and web design OG Zeldman ponders the moments of inspiration, the hours of plodding, and the ultimate mystery at the heart of a creative career.