Cross-Column Pull-Outs

Editor’s Note: The following technique accomplishes its goals by using a few markup elements that lack innate semantic value. For some of you, that may place this means of achieving cross-column pull-outs beyond the pale. For the rest of you, bon appetit.

Article Continues Below

Print designers have long relied on the ability to wrap text around anything — most commonly around a picture centered between two columns. This design option has not been available for web designers … until now.

Basic two-column layout#section2

To use this technique, we must first set the stage.


<div id="overall">
   <div class="col">
   <div class="col">


* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
/*Override defaults for all tags. */
p {padding: .625em 0; text-align: justify; 
  line-height: 20px;}
#overall {width: 755px; margin: 0 auto;}
.col {width: 365px; padding: 0 5px; float: left;}

This makes an “overall” container with two columns with a 10-pixel gutter between them. Setting the line height and padding allows for more uniform display in browsers.

Preserving space#section5

The next thing is to make room for our pull-out. The concept is this: make room in the first column to allow the pull-out to step over its boundaries from the second column. This will give the illusion that we desire.

To do this, put a container in the middle of the first paragraph and float it to the right. It needs to have the same height as the image, and half the width of the image (350 x 300 pixels). Text will wrap around it since it is a floated element.



There are numerous tricks in that simple span:

  • Use a span instead of a div. We are inside a paragraph, and a block level element (div) can not be a child of an inline element (


  • Use a class attribute instead of an id so you can do more than one pull-out on a page (if the images are the same size).
  • Use a non-breaking space as the content of the span. (This fixes a problem with IE 5.2 on a Macintosh.)
  • Make sure you do NOT have a space between the prior word and the span (example: parturient


.CCspace { width: 175px; height: 315px; 
/*Set the width to half of the image and set the 
  height to the image height plus a little room 
  for the caption. */
float: right; padding: 5px;} 
/*Float the span right and include any padding. */

Figure 1: Example 1
In this figure, space has been created for the pull-out in the left column, but not the right.

Inserting the pull-out#section8

Next, we need to put a container in a paragraph in the second column to hold an image and its caption information.


<p>… condimentum
    The office 
  monkey, riding the office camel. 
sit amet, …

As before, use a span instead of a div because we are inside a paragraph and we want the XHTML to validate. The class attribute enables reuse. Again, make sure you do not have a space between the word and the span (example: condimentum and the caption.


.CCpullout { width: 350px; height: 315px;
/*Set the width and height of the span 
  to the image size. */
float: left; padding: 5px;
/*Float the span left and give it the 
  same amount of padding as CCspace. */
margin-left: -185px;
/*Move the image into the first column by negative 
  margin. The number is half the width of the  
  image (175px) plus the gutter (10px). */
text-align: center; font-size: .9em; 
  font-weight: bold; }
/*Add styling to the caption text*/

The real trick to this technique is lining up the “CCspace” (first column) and the “CCpullout” (second column). The solution is to do some quick character counting. Highlight the text from the beginning of the paragraph up to “CCspace.” There are 294 characters. Go to the second column and try to find a space in the first paragraph that is as close to possible to 294 characters. In the example, there is room after 292 characters, so the “CCpullout” sits in that space right after the word “condimentum.” You may need some minor adjustments, but this technique works well within a two-character (+/-) range.

This example works in the current releases Mozilla, Netscape, Safari, Camino, Konqueror, and in IE 5.2 on a Mac. The most noticeable problem is IE on a PC, which displays the following.

Figure 2: Example 2
A half-functional cross-column pull-out -- the left half of the picture is missing, but the appropriate amount of space has been allocated for the image

Cooking for picky eaters (IE and other bugs)

Warning: If you must make the design work in Netscape 4, then use the “@import” CSS rule to hide this design and protect the browser. Netscape 4 doesn’t play well with CSS and should be handled delicately.

To fix the remaining issues, we need to add some more information to the “CCpullout” and adjust the CSS.


<span class="CCpullout">
    The office 
  monkey, riding the office camel. 

By nesting another span inside the “CCpullout” we can remedy the problems with CSS.


.CCpullout {width: 350px; height: 315px; 
  padding: 5px; float: left; margin-left: -185px;}
/*Note the removal of the caption styling.*/.CCpullout span {width: 350px; position: absolute;
/*Set the width of the nested span to the image 
  width. Position the span absolutely, so it 
  will appear in IE for the PC. */
text-align: center; font-size: .9em; 
  font-weight: bold;}
/*Caption styling appears at this level.*/

Figure 3: Example 3
Example of a fully functional cross-column pull-out


There is one big concern with this technique. We’re interrupting the flow of a paragraph with additional and potentially unrelated content. What happens when a screen reader hits this?

We need to identify the pull-out for screen readers so that users will understand what’s going on. This requires additional information in the content and styling.


<span class="CCpullout">
   office monkey, riding the office camel.    

By inserting another inline element, such as the del, we can make the screen reader aware that something different is about to happen. The square brackets “ [  ] ” are used to indicate that something different is being read. Any special character could be used, but make sure it’s different enough so the screen reader user will notice the change in content. Make sure you put a space before and after the square bracket so the del doesn’t become part of the word immediately before it (example: [Pullout: …). We then use CSS to hide the information in the pull-out.


.CCpullout del {font-size: 0px; color: #fff; 
  position: absolute;}

We want to hide the content from the computer while allowing the screen readers to read the information. A solution is to make the font zero pixels high and use a color that matches the background of the page since some browsers force a one-pixel minimum size. The last part of this trick is to remove the inline del from content flow. This can be achieved with absolute positioning. (Note: Using “display: block;” gave an unexpected display error in Konqueror.)

Using the del tag in this way is arbitrary and not particularly semantic. Another span could take care of that issue, but it would have to contain a class, etc. or another tag entirely could be used as long as it was an inline element.

The example was tested with the JAWS screen reader; it did not read a style of “visibility: hidden;” nor a “display: none;” which is why neither technique is used. A large negative left margin was unstable in some user agents. The bottom line is that JAWS is able to read the content inside del with this technique, yet it remains invisible to browsers. It reads as follows:

… condimentum Left bracket. Pullout Colon The office monkey, riding
the office camel. Right bracket. sit amet, …”

That’s not perfect, but it’s a lot better than just surprising screen reader users with unexpected content.

Another accessibility option is to avoid the use of an image and a caption. Use CSS to make the image appear as a background in the child span. It’s less messy, and the screen readers will skip over it entirely since it would then be a design element.

Review of the cross-column pull-out technique#section14

This technique is a bit picky when you try to line up the span tags in both columns — but it gives us the option to use a cross-column pull-out on a web page. The CSS validates. The XHTML validates Strict 1.0. The page even prints correctly with the pull-out. The pull-out will scale with text size adjustments in the user agent (Note: major adjustments to text size could break the design.)

I want to thank my student Matthew Latzke for his assistance and hard work helping to develop this technique! We’ll be back soon to explain the next version: “Cross-Column Pull-Out Part Two: Custom Silhouettes.”

Completed Code#section15


[Column 1 paragraph]


[Column 2 paragraph]

<p>… condimentum
    The office 
   monkey, riding the office camel.] 
 sit amet, …


* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
p {padding: .625em 0; text-align: justify; 
#overall {width: 755px; margin: 0 auto;}
.col {width: 365px; padding: 0 5px; 
  float: left;}
.CCspace {width: 175px; height: 315px; 
  padding: 5px; float: right;}
.CCpullout {width: 350px; height: 315px; 
  padding: 5px; float: left; margin-left: -185px;}
.CCpullout span {width: 350px; position: 
  absolute; text-align: center; font-size: .9em; 
  font-weight: bold;}
.CCpullout del {font-size: 1px; color: 
  #fff; position: absolute;}

Additional Examples#section18

Example 4 — Double-column image pull-out.
Example 5 — Double-column pull-quote.
Example 6 — Three-column double pull-out.
Example 7 — Three-column single pull-out (Fails in IE 5.2 Mac).


64 Reader Comments

  1. Looking at the samples provided with the article, everything is fine but those columns are too close for confortable reading (at least in IE6)!

    Still, there is a lot of value in the proposed methods. Will try to figure out the ins and outs and adapt it to my site.

  2. I am not so sure about the effectiveness of columns in web pages. For the user, scrolling up and down simply for the novelty of a page that reads like a newspaper is a pain. Columns require scrolling up and down for reading, if you see the content through a window. While you may be able to fit the content into a visible area, the window may be resized by the user, or viewed in a small screen. (shrinking font size with the window/screen? the feller’s gonna ask for glasses when he’s through!)

  3. Having read the comments which followed my original comment about the poor usability of multi-column text layouts on the Web, here’s a few final thoughts.

    1. Someone said to use this for a print version rather than an on-screen version. On the face of it, this sounds like a great idea. When reading from paper, narrow column widths are easier on the eye. Which is why newspapers use them. 300 years of convention for this. If the intention is to give the user something that will be easier to read when they print it out, then flowing text in columns is good.

    However, many users of online newspapers and zines will switch to the printer-friendly view when they want to read an item which is broken up across several pages. In this case, a multi-column print version would be extremely frustrating because these folks want to read online, not print out the item.

    2. Someone said you can use this technique for non-text multi-column layouts. Yes, as long as the text you want people to read is in one column, no reason you can’t use this technique to design interesting pages.

    3. Someone said that newspapers can and do use multi-column layouts for text. They can, but mostly don’t because they have learned that it doesn’t work. Many papers and magazines started with multi-column layouts in their Web versions, but gave up on them due to feedback from users. As for the online International Herald Tribune, designed in France, they started with a multi-column layout, then had to add the option for users to switch to single-column views. They still have a multi-column layout as their default, but it’s done as an ego/branding thing, not because it is better for users.

    So, this technique has very limited value.

  4. I agree with a lot of comments in terms of how usefull this is for display on screen.

    However I implemented this in a print stylesheet (as someone else mentioned) and it is brilliant. I can take my long one column web layout (with inline pictures) and translate it into a much friendlier version for print.

    Previously my print version was simply one long column resulting in two printed pages. It is now side by side columns with my image or quote in between – resulting in one page.

    Excellent work. Thank you!

  5. Re: Patrick Ryan

    I wasn’t able to find the effect you mentioned anywhere on your site. Were you able to pepper your markup with the necessary ‘column divs’ and then have the print-stylesheet introduce the necessary float behaviour? Or are we back in old-school Printer-Friendly-Version territory here?

    Ultimately, neither solution is all that great, since as soon as you size up the font, you’ll have the bottom three lines of every column poking their nose onto the next page.

    Before this becomes a genuinely useful technique, we’re going to need to see some very careful CSS3 additions — ones that downgrade to a simple single column flow in legacy browsers like IE6 and Firefox 1.0, but that also look better in whatever’s the newest thing out there.

    Ultimately, however, as mentioned above, I’d like to see a lot more CSS for dealing with paged layouts. I’d like to bypass Powerpoint completely, give an xHTML presentation from my laptop, post it online afterwards, and print out a reasonable document to hand out. But without sacrificing any features of the three individual formats. (ie, columns in the paged version)

  6. This is a very crafty and imaginative technique, but its reliance on aligning two columns of text poses a risk to readability. Many people view the web with text larger than default, and at certain levels of magnification this example cloaks text with text, rendering the copy illegible.

    While I do not wish to offend the author with a negative comment post, I do feel it’s fair to make note of this potential pitfall. This isn’t about semantic code (albeit important to me), but rather about accessibility.

    Your technique is absolutely appreciated, though, Mr. Frommelt. This is one of the few areas where print designers have it easier than web designers, and we would do best to find a viable means to the end result.

  7. Having to count characters to make this effect work is horribly unmanageable. CSS wasn’t specifically designed to recreate everything print can do; some things should be left to print. Hopefully CSS3, with its automagic column mechanism (which Mozilla already supports), will give us something more logical to accomplish this, like float:center.

  8. I’m looking at example 4 and 5 on a Windows XP machine with a standard install (for compatability testing) and both examples have the pull-outs overlapping the column text.

  9. Having multiple columns can be usefull in many situations, for example, say you have two authors and want to highlite both of their achivements, or like Jakob Neilson’s you want to seperate two things.

    And want an image in the middle.

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A List Apart founder and web design OG Zeldman ponders the moments of inspiration, the hours of plodding, and the ultimate mystery at the heart of a creative career.