
Lisa Wright

Lisa Wright is a senior technical writer and information architect at FINE, a brand agency in Portland, Oregon, where she organizes the heck out of client websites. She also enjoys reading and finding the oddball ways your code can break. Her current house has 432 linear feet of bookshelf space.

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No More FAQs: Create Purposeful Information for a More Effective User Experience

Putting the right information in the right place to best support user (and company) goals requires carefully targeted content and good information architecture (IA) … and definitely no FAQs! However attractive the FAQ “solution” might seem at times, using it makes information hard to find, access and maintain, and generally hinders task completion. Discussing the limitations of—and alternatives to—FAQs, Lisa Wright is on a mission to banish them forever, or at the very least make them more effective if you have to include them.