
Steph Hay

Ohioan in Virginia. Leads Capital One’s content strategy team and weekly design sessions for 160 people across 10 locations. Mentors at 500 Startups and 1776. Loves CrossFit, ramen, and this flow chart.

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Content-First Design

Video game designers start with the story. What would our work look like if we did too? Steph Hay advocates for a content-first approach to design and walks through how to start prototyping your content.

Being Real Builds Trust

Tons of products and services are the best, easiest, simplest, smartest things ever. They also all increase profits, decrease costs, and save you time. And as a result, they all sound the same. These kinds of qualifiers overrun our content because we’re constantly looking around at what everyone else is doing, rather than being honest about who we are. But trust inspires confidence, and it’s confidence that compels decision-making. Steph Hay shows us how to win customers by being real with our content.