
Heydon Pickering

Heydon Pickering is a designer and interface developer from Norwich in the UK. He is lead designer at Neontribe and the accessibility editor for Smashing Magazine, where his book Apps For All is also available.

Also from this author

Quantity Queries for CSS

In responsive design, we think a lot about space, especially in the context of screen sizes. But the amount of content or the number of elements is bound to affect space, too, just as unpredictably—and if we don’t want our designs to dictate our content, we need new ways to make our design aware of changing content quantities. Heydon Pickering walks us through a new idea for creating style breakpoints for quantities of HTML elements.

Axiomatic CSS and Lobotomized Owls

Managing flow content can get unwieldy—too many class selectors can become a specificity headache, nested styling can get redundant, and content editors don’t always understand the presentational markup. Heydon Pickering offers an unexpected option for handling cascading styles more efficiently: a variation on the universal selector.