
Alex Feyerke

Alex Feyerke works as a freelance web developer and consultant in Berlin. He thinks making the web is still much too difficult, which is why he's part of a team working on Hoodie, an open source library enabling people to more easily build complete, offline-first web apps in days, without having to worry about backends. Alex also helps organize up.front, Berlin's front-end usergroup. When work is done, he's off rock climbing, cycling, or playing guitar. You can contact him on Twitter.

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Designing Offline-First Web Apps

We assume our users are like us—with the latest devices, the most recent software, and the fastest connections. And while we may maintain a veritable zoo of older devices and browsers for testing, we spend most of our time building from the comfort of our modern, always-online desktop devices. But what happens when our users descend into the subway, board a plane, go to live in the country, or just happen to find themselves in the wrong corner of the room? The truth is, offline is a fact of life—but there are ways to design for it. Alex Feyerke tells all.