<script language="JavaScript" src="domutils.js">

<script language="JavaScript">

var ready = false;

var city;
var highTemp;
var lowTemp;
var order;
var nRows;
var sortedColumn;
var sortedAscending;
var centigrade = false;

function getObject( nameStr )
    if (isNav6)
        return document.getElementById( nameStr );
    else if (isIE4)
        return document.all[nameStr];

function makeDynamicText( tableDataCell, datum, columnNumber )
    var newNode, newText;

    /* numbers may have to be converted to centigrade */
    if (columnNumber > 0 && centigrade)
        datum = Math.floor( (datum-32)/9*5 );

    /* if this isn't the sorted column, just create a
       text node. If it's the sorted column, then create
       a bold node with a child text node */

    if (columnNumber != sortedColumn)
        newNode = document.createTextNode( datum );
        newNode = document.createElement("B");
        newText = document.createTextNode( datum );
        newNode.appendChild( newText );
    tableDataCell.replaceChild( newNode,
        tableDataCell.firstChild );

    Sort an array into ascending or descending order.
    This uses the classical "bubble sort" algorithm,
    which is good for short arrays but bad for
    huge ones
function sort( whichColumn, ascending )
    var i, j, n, temp;
    var wTable = document.getElementById( "wTable" );
    var tRows = wTable.childNodes;
    var arrayRef;

    if (isNav4)

    /* determine which array needs to be sorted */
    if (whichColumn == 0)
        arrayRef = city;
    else if (whichColumn == 1)
        arrayRef = highTemp;
        arrayRef = lowTemp;
    if (!ready)

    window.status = "Sorting...please wait.";
    n = order.length;
    for (i=0; i < n; i++)
        order[i] = i;
    for (i=0; i<n-1; i++)
        for (j=i+1; j<n; j++)
            mustSwap = (ascending) ?
                arrayRef[order[i]] > arrayRef[order[j]]:
                arrayRef[order[i]] < arrayRef[order[j]];
            if (mustSwap)
                temp = order[i];
                order[i] = order[j];
                order[j] = temp;
    window.status = "";

    /* set all images to light blue */
    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
        document["u"+i].src = "up0.gif";
        document["d"+i].src = "dn0.gif";

    /* then set this particular sorted column to solid blue */
    if (ascending)
        document["d"+whichColumn].src = "dn.gif";
        document["u"+whichColumn].src = "up.gif";

    /* globally store the current column and its sort status */
    sortedColumn = whichColumn;
    sortedAscending = ascending;

    /* Now recreate the table nodes in sorted order */

    for (i=0; i < nRows-1; i++)
        /*  Retrieve the child nodes of a table row.
            Each of these nodes will correspond to a <td> */
        thisRow = tRows[i+1].childNodes;

        makeDynamicText( thisRow[0], city[order[i]], 0 );
        makeDynamicText( thisRow[1], highTemp[order[i]], 1 );
        makeDynamicText( thisRow[2], lowTemp[order[i]], 2 );
    Puts up text showing the scale in which
    temperatures are displayed.
function showCentigrade( whichWay )
    var divNode;
    var newText;

    if (isNav4)
    /* If no change, ignore it */
    if (centigrade == whichWay)

    divNode = getObject( "tempScale" );
    centigrade = whichWay;
    sort( sortedColumn, sortedAscending );
    newText = document.createTextNode(
        "Temperatures are shown in " +
        ((centigrade) ? "Centigrade." : "Fahrenheit.")
    divNode.replaceChild( newText, divNode.firstChild );        

function setupArrays()
    var wTable = document.getElementById( "wTable" );
    var tRows = wTable.childNodes;
    var i;

    if (isNav4)
    nRows = tRows.length;

    city = new Array( nRows-1 );
    highTemp = new Array( nRows-1 );
    lowTemp = new Array( nRows - 1 );
    order = new Array( nRows - 1 );

    for (i=0; i < nRows-1; i++)
        // get the children of this row
        thisRow = tRows[i+1].childNodes;
        city[i] = thisRow[0].firstChild.data;
        highTemp[i] = parseInt(thisRow[1].firstChild.data);
        lowTemp[i] = parseInt(thisRow[2].firstChild.data);
    ready = true;
    sort( 0, true );
// -->

<body bgcolor="#ffffff" onLoad="setupArrays();">
Click the blue arrows to select a column to sort, and the order
in which to sort it. Up arrows put the highest item at the top;
down arrows put the lowest item at the top.
<script language="JavaScript">
if (isNav4)
    document.writeln("This example does not work with Netscape 4.");
<table border="0">
    <h3 align="center">International Weather Reports</h3>
    <table border="1">
    <tbody id="wTable">
        <a href="javascript:sort(0,false)"><img src="up0.gif"
            name="u0" border="0"
            align="middle" alt="sort descending" width="25" height="25"></a>
        <br> City <br>
        <a href="javascript:sort(0,true)"><img src="dn0.gif"
            name="d0" border="0"
            align="middle" alt="sort ascending" width="25" height="25"></a>
        <a href="javascript:sort(1,false)"><img src="up0.gif"
            name="u1" border="0"
            align="middle" alt="sort descending" width="25" height="25"></a>
        <br> High <br>  
        <a href="javascript:sort(1,true)"><img src="dn0.gif"
            name="d1" border="0"
            align="middle" alt="sort ascending" width="25" height="25"></a>
        <a href="javascript:sort(2,false)"><img src="up0.gif"
            name="u2" border="0"
            align="middle" alt="sort descending" width="25" height="25"></a>
        <br> Low <br>   
        <a href="javascript:sort(2,true)"><img src="dn0.gif"
            name="d2" border="0"
            align="middle" alt="sort ascending" width="25" height="25"></a>
    <tr class="shaded">
    <td>Bangkok</td> <td>91</td> <td>75</td>
    <tr class="shaded">
    <td>Mexico City</td><td>72</td><td>57</td>
    <tr class="shaded">
    <div id="tempScale">
    Temperatures are shown in Fahrenheit.
<input type="button" value="Show Fahrenheit"
    onClick="showCentigrade( false );">
<input type="button" value="Show Centigrade"
    onClick="showCentigrade( true );">