The A List Apart Blog Presents:

Blue Beanie Day Comes But Once A Year

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Blue Beanie Day is nearly here! On Saturday, November 30, web designers around the world will once again don a blue beanie (toque, cap) to show their support for web standards. Join us!

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Accessibility. Progressive enhancement. (Structured) content first. The more our industry and the technology we’re asked to support changes each year, the more these basics of the web standards movement remain the same. Which is why, each year, we set aside a day to celebrate web standards and the best practices they encourage.

As for the beanie, “the … blue hat is a nod to the bible-like Designing With Web Standards author Jeffrey Zeldman, who famously donned a blue knit hat in his author photo for the book” says Fast Company. But of course Blue Beanie Day is not about me, it’s about we. We, the people who make websites. We who value the open web. Who believe the web is a medium capable of sharing every human experience. And who work each day to make great web content and great web experiences accessible to all.

Apartniks who wish to show their support for web standards may do so my uploading a blue-beanie-wearing selfie to the Blue Beanie Day Tumblr. You can also post your BBD self-portraits to Instagram (hashtag #bbd13) and to the Seventh International Blue Beanie Day 2013 pool on Flickr. There’s no need to wait ’til November 30th to post your pics to Tumblr and Flickr. Do it today!

2 Reader Comments

  1. Bringing the web to the world! It would be fun to tie-in an “update your browser” message for family, friends, and clients.

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A List Apart founder and web design OG Zeldman ponders the moments of inspiration, the hours of plodding, and the ultimate mystery at the heart of a creative career.

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