Quick CSS Mockups with Photoshop

It may seem like we’re trying to party like it’s 1999, but rest assured, we’re not. Casper Voogt shows us a way to use Photoshop, ImageReady, and slices to produce mockups that utilize clean XHTML and CSS.

Paper Prototyping

Running with scissors isn’t recommended for kids, but it might be ideal for your next big development project. With interfaces becoming more complex and schedules growing shorter, the best prototyping tools may be simpler than you think.


So you think you know all about whitespace. You may be surprised. Mark Boulton, type expert to the stars, shows how micro and macro whitespace push brands upscale (or down) and enhance legibility in print and online.

Sliced and Diced Sandbags

Wouldn’t it be great if there were a way to get text to flow around an irregularly shaped image? Wouldn’t it be even better if we could automate the process? Have no fear: Rob Swan is here to show us the way.

Where Am I?

It’s 2006 and we’re still messing up global navigation. Derek Powazek gets back to basics and offers a few simple guidelines for getting it right.

In Search of the Holy Grail

Just in case you might want a three-column layout that doesn’t require the usual sacrifices, we thought we’d share this technique. Not that you’d want that or anything.

Home Page Goals

Home pages may get plenty of design attention, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need improvement.

Thinking Outside the Grid

CSS has broken the manacles that kept us chained to grid-based design…so why do so few sites deviate from the grid? Molly E. Holzschlag can tell us that the answer has something to do with airplanes, urban planning, and British cab drivers.

Design Choices Can Cripple a Website

Do you test your designs? If not, Nick Usborne wants you to take responsibility for your design choices and the very quantifiable effect they can have on websites that are built for business.

CSS Swag: Multi-Column Lists

Multi-column lists: can’t live with ’em, can’t achieve perfect bliss without ’em. Paul Novitski offers a staggering six possible methods for accomplishing this commonly requested layout trick. Examine your options and choose wisely.