
Aaron Mentele

Aaron Mentele is a partner at Electric Pulp, a web and mobile consultancy located in sunny South Dakota. He's been at this full-time since 1997 but doesn't look a day over 27 or so. You should probably follow him on Twitter. First month is free.

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Following Through with Post-Launch Strategy

Design studios have traditionally worked on a “launch and dash” model: we study a client’s business problem; address it in design, UX, and content strategy; inject templates into a CMS; take the money, and run. But while we’ve spent years refining our web and UX practices, we’ve never paid much attention to what happens months after we deliver a site. If we truly want to help the client whose conversions are going flat, it’s time to embrace post-launch strategy—and stop thinking of it as a bundle of shameful SEO tricks that are disconnected from our work. Aaron Mentele shares how his small boutique studio hired a digital strategist, and the benefits that have accrued to the studio as well as its clients.