
Eric Shepherd

Eric Shepherd is the founder of arkitrave web media, a small web and graphic firm in Buffalo, New York. He is finishing a Master of Architecture degree at the University at Buffalo. He is also a freelance pianist. His work has been featured in the venerable CSS Zen Garden, and he is a strategic partner of Nepo Strategies, a Buffalo-based e-commerce and web strategy firm. He's already working on explaining the potential of clean XHTML, CSS, and Javascript combined with the DOM to his brilliant one-month-old daughter Naia.

Also from this author

Hybrid CSS Dropdowns

Yup. It’s yet another CSS dropdown article — but one that resolves many problems associated with common dropdown methods and degrades beautifully. Hybrid CSS dropdowns allow access to all pages, keep the user aware of where she is within the site, and are clean and light to boot. It’s a tasty little vitamin pill, so quit sighing and try it.