
Jonathan Smiley

Jonathan Smiley is a Partner and Design Lead at ZURB, a product design agency in Campbell, CA. He's the lead front-end developer for Foundation, and frequently contributes to the ZURB blog where he writes about responsive design and implementation. You might catch him speaking at meetups in the San Francisco Bay area, or you can just catch him on twitter @smiley to chat about web design (or video games).

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Dive into Responsive Prototyping with Foundation

There are hundreds of devices out there right now that can access the full web, as Steve Jobs once put it. They come with different capabilities and constraints, things like input style or screen size, resolution, and form. With all these devices set to overtake traditional desktop computers for web traffic next year, we need tools to help us build responsively. Jonathan Smiley shows how to dive into responsive design using Foundation, a light front-end framework that helps you rapidly build prototypes and production sites.