
Estelle Weyl

Estelle is the Lead UI Architect for Addepar, and a consulting web developer, trainer, author, and speaker. She is also the lead organizer of #PerfMatters Conference. She speaks and leads workshops on web development all over the world. Her books have been translated into over 14 languages. She's been coding CSS, HTML, and JavaScript since 1999.While not programming, she can be found working in construction, de-hippifying her 1960s throwback abode, or sitting on a couch, snuggling her dogs, while reading W3C specifications.

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CSS: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition

Weighing in a little over 1,100 pages, The Fourth Edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide is a lot to digest. We’re pleased to offer you this amuse-bouche, of sorts, on compositing and blending.