
Denise Jacobs

Denise Jacobs is a speaker, author, and creativity evangelist who speaks at conferences and consults with companies worldwide. As the founder and CEO of The Creative Dose, she promotes techniques to unblock creativity and spark innovation in people, teams, and workplaces. A tech industry veteran and web expert, Denise is the author of The CSS Detective Guide and co-author of the Smashing Book #3 1/3 and Interact with Web Standards. She is also the founder of Rawk The Web and is the Head Instigator of The Creativity (R)Evolution. Denise is currently working on her latest book Banish Your Inner Critic, to be released in mid-2016.

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Reigniting Your Creative Spark

Creative is as creative does, except when your creative spark fizzles out. Looming deadlines, over-fussy clients, dull projects, or feelings of fatigue that may signal the beginnings of burnout, any of these everyday afflictions can tamp down your creative fire, making it tough to come up with creative ideas just when you need them most. But fear not! Denise Jacobs shares sure-fire strategies to reignite your creative spark.

Banishing Your Inner Critic

Everybody has one: the inner critic that tells you you’re just faking it, that others have more talent, that you’ll never achieve the success you seek. The inner critic is an unconscious deterrent that stands between the seeds of great ideas and the fruits of achievement, making you hate your designs, giving you “writer’s block” as your deadline looms, keeping you stuck in a project’s initial thinking stage because something isn’t quite right. Denise Jacobs anatomizes and shows how to quash your inner critic, giving you the mental space and energy to let your true talents emerge.